📄️ index
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📄️ Statistical Phase Estimation
In this tutorial, we will go over how to execute statistical phase estimation (SPE) using QURI Algo and QURI VM.
📄️ Quantum Circuit Compilation
Quantum Circuit Compilation is a technique that aims to reduce the depth of certain quantum circuits by approximating them by fixed depth variational circuits. A well-known example of this is quantum assisted quantum compiling (QAQC). This is available in QURI Algo through our compilation module, which will be introduced through this notebook.
📄️ Simulating the $\Phi^4$ theory on a quantum computer
In [1] and [2], algorithms for simulating lattice $\Phi^4$ scalar field lattice on a quantum computer was introduced. This can serve as a first example of simulating general lattice field theory on quantum computers.
📄️ Surface Code and Quantum Error Correction
This notebook introduces the planar surface code for quantum error correction. We introduce the most important definitions and terminology in the beginning section of this notebook. The treatment is broad, but not detailed and we refer readers to [] for further reading. We follow this up with code examples that showcase QURI VMs capability to simulate the surface code based on the various tunable parameters available.